Monday, May 10, 2010

Coming Soon...

I recently came into a possible business opportunity using my Option Income system to manage other people's portfolios to generate monthly income for them. This is one of the reasons why I haven't posted on my blog for so long as I have been investigating the various possibilities and weighing my options (no pun intended).

After much consideration and thought about how to best move my trading system forward I have come to a realization that for me to manage other people's money would, in all likelihood, over time take the fun out of it. To me the satisfaction is in teaching others how to become successful at making money in the stock market so that they can achieve financial independence, freedom and the opportunity to give back to others and their community.

The quandary of what to do with my book, trading system, and blog--which to this point have been somewhat independent of each other--are going to culminate into a new exciting website The site will provide free educational content (the book) to help you learn the system, tools to analyze the best option income opportunities and up-to-date commentary (blog) on the market and how to consistently generate monthly income!

I'll keep you posted on the progress of the new website on this blog, so far I have purchased the domain name and submitted a website questionnaire to help my web designer mock up some early design ideas.

I value your feedback and ideas so please feel free to comment on what you would like to see or use on the website. Also, if you are interested in submitting guest posts or being a regular content contributor please let me know. I would like to make the site as collaborative as possible so that we can pool our collective knowledge to continue to refine the system and help each other navigate our course to financial freedom.

More to come...